If you haven't heard, the "Murk" is 10 Deep's signature character. He's a crazy lil' bugger who you'll be seeing a lot of this summer (along with registered brass knuckles). Here we have him taking over the shape a famous street wear monkey. Standard fit.


Mr. Murk takes a turn for the cool like Mr. Cruise in Risky Business, in a James Dean-like pose. Except in this case, a 40 oz. and a sidewalk spliffy help add to the mellow. Good look. Standard fit.

Alright Joe Cool. Time to shed that facade and get down to the true issue at hand... learn to slang shit on Ebay. That's how you really become the man. Take all your rare funk, cap them to MP3, and live LARGE. Tell your new girlfriends that you made it by slangin' and pimpin'. Then have them gather around you so they can see the insane print job on this shirt(check close up) and pose for a kingly photo opp. Now you're immortal. Standard fit.

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